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What are the links between the communities?

– Communities around the world form a large international family. In every province, every country, communities come together and organize common activities as much as possible. – The Charter and the Constitution: the Charter explains the organization of...

What is the role of the community coordinating team?

The community coordinating team is made up of four to eight people including at least one parent, a friend, a chaplain and, as much as possible, a person with an intellectual disability. It is animated by the community coordinator. The different responsibilities are...

What is a Faith and Light province ?

The provinces are groups of 15 to 40 recognized communities. They form the branches of the international family. The number of communities per province is flexible and depends on the cultural, linguistic and geographical environment… Each province is accompanied...

How does the provincial team work?

The provincial team feeds and watches over the life of Faith and Light in the province. It deals with everything that needs to be done between two provincial assemblies, but it does not need to organize and lead each activity: it can create project teams whose role is...

What is the role of the provincial coordinator ?

The provincial coordinator is the main link between the communities and the international family. He receives and shares information and communicates with the international vice-coordinator who accompanies the province. Learn more charter and constitution page...

What is the role of Vice Provincial Coordinators (VCP)?

The provincial vice-coordinator is part of the provincial team and plays a main role in supporting the communities that are assigned to him. He accompanies, encourages and assists community coordinators and interim coordinators in their responsibility, it creates ties...